Jorge Navarro Azócar
Profesor Emérito Universidad Austral de Chile
Formación Académica
Post Doctorado (1995-96). Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Inglaterra
Ph. D. Biology. Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canadá, 1990
Licenciado en Ciencias, Mención Zoología. Universidad Austral de Chile, 1980
Interés Científico
Interacción Organismo – Medio ambiente; Efecto toxinas dinoflagelados sobre fisiología moluscos
Respuestas funcionales de los organismos marinos frente a variables ambientales. Se estudia el grado de plasticidad fisiológica de los organismos frente a fluctuaciones naturales y/o alteraciones antropogénicas del medio ambiente, tales como aquellas relacionadas al cambio climático de organismos subAntarticos y Antarticos. Se incluyen mediciones de procesos fisiológicos relacionados con la adquisición (filtración, ingestión, absorción) y utilización (respiración, excreción) de energía por parte de los organismos, tanto bajo condiciones ambientales como bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio. Esta información permite integraciones fisiológicas, tales como el potencial de crecimiento (scope for growth), eficiencia de crecimiento neto (K2) y relación Oxígeno/Nitrógeno (O/N) en invertebrados marinos, índices que permiten evaluar la adecuación biológica de los organismos en determinadas etapas de su ciclo de vida. En los ultimos años mi area de investigacion a sido enfocada a dos temas principales: a) Estudios relacionados con el efecto de la toxina paralizante de moluscos (TPM) sobre el desempeño fisiologico de bivalvos y moluscos marinos y b) Efecto del cambio climatico sobre especies claves de la Patagonia y Antartica.
Proyectos de investigación (últimos 10 años)
Research Center: Dynamics of High-Latitude Marine Ecosystems (IDEAL). FONDAP 15150003 . 2020-2025. Investigador Principal.
FONDEF-IDEA III ID 16l10018 (2017-2019). Al rescate de la ostra nativa Chilena (Ostrea chilensis): generación de líneas mejoradas genéticamente para potenciar el crecimiento y capacidad de detoxificación con VPM (Marea Roja Paralítica). Director Alterno.
FONDEF-IDEA ID 19I10214 (2019-2021). Soluciones de las brechas que impiden la competitividad del cultivo de ostra Chilena (Ostrea chilensis) mediante la mejora de sistema de captación, la identificación de variables óptimas para el cultivo y la obtención del fenotipo borde negro. Director Alterno.
FONDECYT 1161420 (2016-2020). “Multistressor impacts of ocean warming and acidification on the Chilean oyster (Ostrea chilensis): quantifying the physiology, reproduction and calcification.”. Investigador Principal
Research Center: Dynamics of High-Latitude Marine Ecosystems (IDEAL). FONDAP 15150003 . 2015-2020. Investigador Principal.
FONDECYT 1120470. “PSP toxins effects on the physiology and reproduction of two species of molluscs with different feeding habits and reproductive modes: The filter feeder Ostrea chilensis (incubator) and the carnivore Chorus giganteus (Laying egg capsules)”. Investigador Principal. (2012-2015)
PROYECTO SUBPESCA 4728-88-LP13. Evaluación de los factores limitantes en el desarrollo de cultivos de mitílidos, para análisis de capacidad de carga, X Región de Los Lagos (Segunda Etapa). Co-Investigador. (2013-2014)
FONDECYT 1141052. Hatching process in brooding molluscs: more complex that thougth before. Co-Investigador. (2014- 2018)
FONDECYT 1100335. Delayed impact of isolation during brooding on hatching and early juvenile fitness in Crepipatella dilatata: monitoring latent effects in a direct developing estuarine gastropod. Co-Investigador. (2010-2014).
ANILLOS (PIA) – CONICYT. Influence of the near-future ocean acidification on shellfish resources. Latitudinal variation and Fresh water inputs. Investigador Principal, Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad de Concepción, Universidad Santo Tomas, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia. Director. (2010-2013).
FONDECYT No 1080127 “Variación intra e inter-específica de la fisiología energética y digestiva en bivalvos marinos con diferente historial de exposición al dinoflagelado tóxico Alexandrium catenella”. Investigador Principal. (2008-2012).
FONDECYT 1060194 “Cavidad incubatoria en los moluscos estuarinos Crepidula dilatata y Ostrea chilensis: Cambio de un ambiente protector a peligroso?”. Co-Investigador. (2006- 2009).
CSIC-CONICYT “Respuesta Alimentaria y digestiva en mejillones de Galicia y Chile afectados por dinoflagelados tóxicos”.Investigador Principal. (2005-2007).
FONDECYT 1030340 “Proyecto de Cooperación Internacional (Chile – Inglaterra, Dr. J. Widdows, PML). Investigador principal. (2003- 2006).
FONDECYT 1030340. Proyecto de Cooperación Internacional (Chile – Canadá, Dr. R. Thompson, OSC). Investigador principal. (2003- 2006).
FONDECYT 1030340 “Respuesta Fisiológica/energética de los bivalvos Mulinia edulis y Mytilus chilensis y del gastrópodo carnívoro Xanthochorus cassidiformis frente a la presencia del dinoflagelado tóxico Alexandrium catenella”. Investigador Principal. (2003-2006).
CSIC-CONICYT “Fisiología de la alimentación y de la digestión del ostión Argopecten purpuratus en respuesta a cambios en la concentración y calidad del alimento. Investigador Principal. (2003-2005).
FONDECYT 1020171 “Fisiología energético-reproductiva de Crepidula dilatata y su relación con los ciclos mareales de un estuario. Co-Investigador. (2002- 2006).
MINISTERIO EDUCACION ESPAÑA “Fisiología energética y digestiva de bivalvos mitílidos en cultivo en batea e intermareal”. Investigador Alterno. (2001-2003).
FONDECYT 1000427. Fisiología de la alimentación y endoscopía de los mecanismos de selección de partículas en los bivalvos Mytilus chilensis y Mulinia sp. Investigador Principal. (2000-2003).
MINISTERIO EDUCACION ESPAÑA “Fisiología Energética y digestiva de bivalvos mitílidos en cultivo en batea e intermareal”. Investigador Alterno. (1999-2002).
MINISTERIO EDUCACION ESPAÑA “Fisiología Energética y digestiva de bivalvos mitílidos en cultivo en batea e intermareal”. Investigador Alterno. (1999-2001).
FONDEF D99I 1087. Desarrollo Científico-Tecnológico de la larvicultura de invertebrados marinos. Investigador Alterno. (1999-2002)
CIDA-CANADA-UACH. “Mollusc Aquaculture Enhancement in Chile”. Co-Investigador. (1998-2002)
CIDA-CANADA-UACH. “Mollusc Aquaculture Enhancement in Chile”. Co-Investigador. (1998-2002)
FONDECYT 1980984. “Ecofisiología Reproductiva en Crepidula fecunda”.Co-Investigador. (1998-2001)
FONDAP. Fisiología de la Reproducción en Moluscos. Proyecto FONDAP-CONICYT, Subprograma Invertebrados. Investigador principal. (1997- 2000)
CIDA-CANADA-UACH. Mollusc Aquaculture Enhancement in Chile.Co-Investigador. (1996-2001).
FONDECYT 1951202. Alimentación suspensívora – detritívora en bivalvos de la infauna: una estrategia dual para optimizar el aprovechamiento de la oferta alimentaria. Co-Investigador. (1995-1998).
Publicaciones (últimos 10 años), ID Research ;
2. Paredes-Molina, FJ., Chaparro, OR., Navarro, JM., Cubillos, VM., Montory, JA., Pechenik, JA. 2023. Embryonic encapsulated development of the gastropod Acanthina monodon is impacted by future environmental changes of temperature and pCO2. Marine Environmental Research. 187: 105971.
3. Détrée, C., Navarro, JM., Garrido, I., Bruning, P. LeClerc, J-Ch. 2023. Evaluation of Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic sea urchins’ thermal reaction norm through righting behavior and comparison with in situ measurements. Journal of Thermal Biology. 112: 103496.
4. Saravia, J., Paschke, K., Pontigo, JP., Nualart, D., Navarro, JM., Vargas-Chacoff, L. 2022. Effects of temperature on the innate immune response on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus and Harpagifer bispinis challenged with two immunostimulants, LPS and Poly I:C: In vivo and in vitro approach. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 130: 391-408
5. Benítez, S., Lagos, NA., Griesshaber, E., López, J., Villanueva, PA., Moscoso, F., Navarro, JM. 2022. Influence of kelps nutritional quality on physiological traits of the marine snail Tegula atra (Trochoidea). Mar Biol. 169: 111.
6. Andrade-Villagran, PV., Agüero, MJ., Navarro, JM., Urzúa, A. 2022. The paralytic shellfish toxin effect on bioenergetic constituents of the fishery resource Chorus giganteus (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Marine Environmental Research, 180: 105732
7. Valenzuela, A., Oyarzun, P.A., Toro, J.E., Navarro, J.M., Ramirez. O., Farias, A. 2022. Proximal and fatty acid analysis in Ostrea chilensis, Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus chilensis (Bivalvia: Mollusca) from southern Chile. . PLoS ONE 17(7): e0270825. pone.0270825
8. Navarro, JM., Oyarzún, PA., Haarmann, V., Toro, JE., Garrido, C., Valenzuela, A., Pizarro, G. 2022. Feeding response and dynamic of intoxication and detoxification in two populations of the flat oyster Ostrea chilensis exposed to paralytic shellfish toxins (PST). Marine Environmental Research. 177:
9. Toro, JE., Oyarzún, PA., Toledo, FE., Navarro, JM., Illesca, AF.,Gardner, JPA. 2022. Genetic structure and diversity of the Chilean flat oyster Ostrea chilensis (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) along its natural distribution from natural beds subject to different fishing histories. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 45: e20210214 (2022)
10. Salas‑Yanquin, LP., Pinilla, NP., Matos, AS., Bűchner‑Miranda, JA., Navarro, JM., Cubillos, VM., Pechenik, JA., Chaparro, OR. 2022. Latent effects of intertidal encapsulated development on juvenile fitness of the marine snail Acanthina monodon. Mar. Biol. 169: 40
11. Navarro, JM., Andrade-Villagrán, PV., Manríquez, PH., Duarte, C., Chaparro, O.R. 2022. Long-term effects of contrasting pCO2 levels on the scope for growth in the s gastropod Concholepas concholepas. Marine Environmental Research. 175: 105586
12. Ortiz, A., Arcos-Ortega, FG., Navarro, JM. 2022. Effects of temperature and salinity on the sub-Antarctic snail Xymenopsis muriciformis (King and Broderip, 1832): Medium-term exposure to different climate change scenarios. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 548: 151682
13. Simon A. Morley, Jorge M. Navarro, Alejandro Ortíz, Camille Détrée, Laura Gerisha, Claudio González-Wevar, Amanda E. Bates. 2022. Evolutionary constraints on physiology confound range shift predictions of two nacellid limpets. Science of the Total Environment. 806: 150943
14. Buchner-Miranda, JA., Salas-Yanquin, LP., Averduj, A., Navarro, JM., Cubillos, VM., Matos, A., Zabala, S., Chaparro, OR. 2021. Ontogenetic shifts of predatory strategies by the carnivorous gastropod Acanthina monodon (pallas, 1774). Malacologia, 64: 93-108.
15. Saravia Julia, Kurt Paschke, Ricardo Oyarzún-Salazar, C-H Christina Cheng, Jorge M. Navarro, Luis Vargas-Chacoff. 2021. Effects of warming rates on physiological and molecular components of response to CTMax heat stress in the Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus. Journal of Thermal Biology. 99: 103021.
16. Averbuj A, Büchner-Miranda JA, Salas-Yanquin LP, Navarro JM, Pardo LM, Matos AS, Pechenik, JA., Chaparro, OR. 2021. Energetic trade-offs: Implications for selection between two bivalve prey species by a carnivorous muricid gastropod. PLoS ONE 16(4): e0250937.
17. Tobke, J., Giarratano, E., Ortiz, A., Garrido, C., Serra, M., Gil, M.N., Navarro, J.M. 2021. Chitosan performance during Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST) depuration of Mytilus chilensis exposed to Alexandrium catenella. Toxicon. 195: 48-57.
18. Martínez, D., Moncada-Kopp, C., Paschke, K., Navarro, JM., Vargas-Chacoff, L. 2021. Warming and freshening activate the transcription of genes involved in the cellular stress response in Harpagifer antarcticus. Fish Physiol Biochem 47, 533–546.
19. Fernández, P.A., Navarro, J.M., Camus, C., Torres, R., Buschmann, A.H. 2021. Effect of environmental history on the habitat‑forming kelp Macrocystis pyrifera responses to ocean acidification and warming: a physiological and molecular approach. Scientific Report, 11: 2510.
20. Luis Vargas-Chacoff, Francisco Dann, Kurt Paschke, Ricardo Oyarzún-Salazar, Daniela Nualart, Danixa Martínez, Jonathan M. Wilson, Pedro M. Guerreiro, Jorge M. Navarro. Freshening effect on the osmotic response of the Antarctic spiny plunderfish Harpagifer antarcticus. Journal of Fish Biology. 2021; 1–14. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14676
21. Opitz, T., Benítez, S., Fernández C., Osores, S., Navarro, J.M., Rodríguez-Romero, A., Lohrmann, K.B., Lardies, M.A. 2021. Minimal impact at current environmental concentrations of microplastics on energy balance and physiological rates of the giant mussel Choromytilus chorus. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 162:111834
22. Vargas-Chacoff, L., Martínez, D., Oyarzun-Salazar, R., Paschke, K., Navarro, J.M. 2021. The osmotic response capacity of the Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus is insufficient to cope with projected temperature and salinity under climate change. Journal of Thermal Biology. 96: 102835.
23. Ramajo, L., Osores, S.J., Lagos, N.A., Broitman, B.R., Navarro, J.M., Vargas, C.A., Manriquez, P.H., Lardies, M.A. 2021. Estuarine conditions more than pH modulate the physiology flexibility of mussel Perumytilus purpuratus populations. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 249: 107098.,
24. Montory, J.A., Cumillaf, J.P., Gebauer, P., Urbina, M., Cubillos, V.M., Navarro, J.M., Marín, S.L., Cruces, E. 2020. Early development and metabolic rate of the sea louce Caligus regercresseyi under different scenarios of temperature and pCO2. Marine Environmentral Research, 162: 105154.
25. Navarro, J.M., Détrée, C., Morley, S.A., Cárdenas, L., Ortiz, A., Vargas-Chacoff, L., Paschke, K., Gallardo, P., Guillemin, M-L., Gonzalez-Wevar, C. 2020. Evaluating the effects of ocean warming and freshening on the physiological energetics and transcriptomic response of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna. Science of the Total Environment. 740: 142448
26. Chaparro, O.R., Salas-Yanquin, L.P., Büchner-Miranda, J.A., Pechenik, J.A., Gray, M.W., Navarro, J.M., Cubillos, V.M. 2020. Respiratory and desiccation contraints during encapsulated intertidal development of the marine gastropod Acanthina monodon Marine Environmental Research, 161: 105120
27. Navarro, JM., Villanueva, P., Rocha, N., Torres, R., Chaparro, OR., Benitez, S., Andrade-Villagrán, PV., Alarcón, E. 2020. Plastic response of the oyster Ostrea chilensis to temperature and pCO2 within the present natural range of variability. PlosOne. 15(6): e0234994.
28. Camille Detree, Jorge M. Navarro, Alejandro Font, Marcelo González. 2020. Species vulnerability under climate change:Study of two sea urchins at their distribution margin. Science of the Total Environment. 728:138850
30. Leyla Cárdenas, Jean-Charles Leclerc, Paulina Bruning, Ignacio Garrido, Camille Détrée, Alvaro Figueroa, Marcela Astorga, Jorge M. Navarro, Ladd E. Johnson, James T. Carlton, Luis Pardo. 2020. First mussel settlement observed in Antarctica reveals the potential for future invasions. Scientific Report. 10:5552
31. Grenier, C., Román, R., Duarte, C., Navarro, JM., Rodriguez-Navarro, AB. Ramajo, L. 2020. The combined effects of salinity and pH on shell biomineralization of the edible mussel Mytilus chilensis. Environmental Pollution. 263. Part B.
32. Camille Detree, Alejandro Ortiz, Jorge M. Navarro. 2020. Combined effects of warming and freshening on the physiological energetics of the edible whelk Trophon geversianus. Marine Environmental Research. 153: 104840
33. Chaparro, O.R., Mardones‑Toledo, D.A., Gray, M.W., Cubillos, V.M., Navarro, J.M., Salas‑Yanquin, L.P. (2019). Female–embryo relationships in Ostrea chilensis: brooding, embryo recognition, and larval hatching. Marine Biology, 166: 10.
34. Oscar R. Chaparro, Victor M. Cubillos, Jaime A. Montory, Jorge M. Navarro, Paola V. Andrade-Villagrán. 2019. Reproductive biology of the encapsulating, brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata Lamarck (Gastropoda, Calyptraeidae). PlosOne 14(7): e0220051.
35. Vargas-Chacoff, L., Muñoz, JLP., Ocampo, D., Paschke, K., Navarro, JM. 2019. The effect of alterations in salinity and temperature on neuroendocrine responses of the Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus L. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 235: 131-137
36. Iriarte, JL., Gomez, I., González, HE. Nahuelhual, L., Navarro, JM. 2019. Subantarctic and Antarctic Marine Ecosystems: outlining patterns and process in a changing ocean. Progress in Oceanography. 174: 1-6.
37. Andrade-Villagrán, PV., Navarro, JM., Aliste, S., Chaparro, OR., Ortíz, A. 2019. Trophic transfer of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin (PST): Physiological and reproductive effects in the carnivorous gastropod Acanthina monodon (Pallas, 1774). Aquatic Toxicology. 212: 37-46
38. Ortiz, A., Navarro, JM., Pizarro, G., Villanueva, PA., Segura, CJ. 2019. Accumulation and biotransformation dynamics of the neurotoxic complex, saxitoxin, in different life stage of Ostrea chilensis. Marine Environmental Research. 144: 240-245.
39. Chaparro, OR., Mardones-Toledo, DA., Gray MW, Cubillos, VM., Navarro, JM., Salas-Yanquin, LP. 2019. Female-embryo relationships in Ostrea chilensis: brooding, embryo recognition, and larval hatching. Marine Biology. 166:10.
40. Navarro, JM., Paschke, K., Ortiz, A., Vargas-Chacoff, L., Pardo, LM., Valdivia, N. 2019. The Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus under current temperatures and salinities and future scenarios of climate change. Progress in Oceanography. 174: 37-43. doi.10.1016/j.pocean.2018.09.001.
41. Mellado, C., Chaparro, OR., Duarte, C., Villanueva, PA., Ortiz, A., Valdivia. N., Torres, R., Navarro JM. 2018. Ocean acidification exacerbates the effects of paralytic shellfish toxins on the fitness of the edible mussel Mytilus chilensis. Science of Total Environment. 653: 455-464.
42. Duarte C, Navarro JM, Quijón PA, Loncon D, Torres R, Manriquéz PH, Lardies MA, Vargas CA, Lagos NA. 2018. The energetic physiology of juvenile mussels, Mytilus chilensis (Hupe): The prevalent role of salinity under current and predicted pCO2 scenarios. Environmental Pollution. 242: 156-163.
43. Benítez S, Lagos NA, Osores S, Opitz T, Duarte C, Navarro JM, Lardies JM. 2018. High pCO2 levels affect metabolic rate, but not feeding behavior and fitness, of farmed giant mussel Choromytilus chorus. Aquacultic Environmental Interaction. 10: 267–278.
44. Quintanilla-Ahumada D, Quijon PA, Navarro JM, Pulgar J, Duarte C. 2018. Living on a trophic subsidy: Algal quality drives an upper-shore herbivore’s consumption, preference and absorption but not growth rates. PlosOne.
45. Navarro JM, Widdows J, Chaparro OR, Ortiz J, Mellado C, Villanueva PA. 2018. Pre-ingestive selection capacity and endoscopic analysis in the sympatric bivalves Mulinia edulis and Mytilus chilensis exposed to diets containing toxic and non-toxic dinoflagellates. PlosOne.
46. Boyd PW, Collins S, Dupont S, Fabricuis K, Gattuso, JP, Havenhand J, Hutchins DA, Riebesell U, Rintoul MS, Vichi M, Biswas H, Ciotti A, Gao K, Gehlen M, Hurd CL, Kurihara H, Mcgraw CM, Navarro JM, Nilsson GE, Passow U, Pörtner HO. 2018. Experimental strategies to assess the biological ramifications of multiple drivers of global ocean change. Glob Change Biol (rewiev).
47. Uriarte I, Astorga M, Navarro JC, Viana MT, Rosas C, Molinet C, Hernandez J, Navarro JM, Moreno-Villoslada I, Amthauer R, Kausel G, Figueroa J, Paredes E, Paschke K, Romero A, Hontoria F, Varó I, Vargas L, Toro J, Yañez A, Cardenas L, Enriquez R, Olivares A, Rey M, Izquierdo M, Sorgeloos P, Soto D, Farias A. 2018. Early life stage bottlenecks of carnivorous molluscs under captivity: a challenge for their farming and contribution to sea food production. Aquaculture (rewiev). 0:1-27
48. Salas-Yanquin, LM, Navarro, JM, Pechenik JA, Montory JA, Chaparro OR. 2018.Volcanic ash in the water column: Physiological impact on the suspension-feeding bivalve Mytilus chilensis. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 127: 342-351.
49. Osores, SJA., Lagos, NA., San Martín, V., Manriquez, PH., Vargas, CA., Torres, R., Navarro, JM., Poupin, MJ., Saldías, GS., Lardies, MA. 2017. Plasticity and inter-population variability in physiological and life-history traits of the mussel Mytilus chilensis: A reciprocal transplant experiment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 490: 1-12.
50. Gaitán-Espitia, JD., Villanuava, PA., López, J., Torres, R., Navarro, JM., Bacigalupe, L.D. 2017. Spatio-temporal environmental variation mediates geographical differences in phenotypic responses to ocean acidification. Biology. Letter, 13: 20160865.
51. Benítez, S., Duarte, C., López, J., Manríquez, PH., Navarro, JM., Bonta, CC., Torres, R., Quijón, PA. 2016. Ontogenetic variability in the feeding behavior of a marine amphipod in response to ocean acidification. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
52. Montory, JA., Chaparro, OR., Navarro, JM., Pechenik, JA., Cubillos, VM. 2016. Post‑metamorphic impact of brief hyposaline stress on recently hatched veligers of the gastropod Crepipatella peruviana (Calyptraeidae). Marine Biology. 163: DOI: 10.1007/s00227-015-2791-9
53. Segura, CJ., Pechenik, JA., Montory, JA., Navarro, JM., Paschke, KA., Cubillos, VM., Chaparro, OR. 2016. The cost of brooding in an estuary: implications of declining salinity for gastropod females and their brooded embryos. MEPS., 543: 187-199.
54. Navarro, JM., Labraña, W., Chaparro, OR., Cisternas, B., Ortíz, A. 2016. Physiological constraints in juvenile Ostrea chilensis fed the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Estuaries and Coasts: DOI 10.1007/s12237-015-0061-1
55. Navarro, JM., Duarte, C., Manriquez, PH., Lardies, MA., Torres, R., Acuña, K., Vargas, CA., Lagos, NA. 2016. Ocean warming and elevated carbon dioxide: Multiple stressor impacts on juvenile mussels from southern Chile. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv249
56. Duarte, C., López, J., Benítez, S., Manríquez, PH., Navarro, JM., Bonta, CC., Torres, R., Quijón, P. 2016. Ocean acidification induces changes in algal palatability and herbivore feeding behavior and performance. Oecologia. 180: 453-462.
57. Vargas, CA., Aguilera, VM., San Martín, V., Navarro, JM., Manríquez, PH., Duarte, C., Torres, R., Lardies, M., Lagos, NA. 2015. CO2-driven ocean acidification disrupts the filter feeding behavior in Chilean gastropod and bivalve species from different geographical localities. Estuaries and Coasts. Doi 10.1007/s12237-014-9873-7
58. Duarte, C., Navarro, JM., Acuña, K., Torres, R., Manríquez, PH., Lardies, MA. Vargas, CA., Lagos, NA. and Aguilera, V. 2015. Intraspecific variability in the response of the edible mussel Mytilus chilensis (Hupe) to Ocean Acidification. Estuaries and Coasts, doi 10.1007/s12237-014-9845-y.
59. Manríquez, PH., Jara, ME., Torres, R., Mardones, ML., Lagos, NA., Lardies, MA., Vargas, CA., Duarte, C., Navarro, JM. 2014. Effects of ocean acidification on larval development and early post-hatching traits in Concholepas concholepas (loco). Marine Ecology Progress Series. 514: 87-103.
60. Duarte, C., Acuña, K., Navarro, JM., Gómez, I., Jaramillo, E., Quijón, P. 2014. Variable feeding behavior in Orchestoidea tuberculata (Nicolet 1849): Exploring the relative importance of macroalgal traits. Journal of Sea Research. 87: 1–7.
61. Segura, CJ., Chaparro, OR., Pechenik, JA., Paschke, KA., Osores, SJA., Navarro, JM., Cubillos, VM. 2014. Delayed effects of severe hypoxia experienced by marine gastropod embryos. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Doi:10.3354/meps10906
62. Navarro, JM., González, K., Cisternas, B., López, J.A., Chaparro, OR., Segura, CJ., Córdova, M., Suárez-Isla, B., Fernández-Reiriz, MJ., Labarta, U. 2014. Contrasting Physiological responses of two populations of the razor clam Tagelus dombeii with different histories of exposure to paralytic shefish poisoning (PSP). PLoS ONE 9(8): e105794. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105794
63. Velasquez, C. and Navarro, JM. 2014. Feeding and intoxication-detoxification dynamics in two populations of the mussel Mytilus chilensis (Hupé, 1854) with different histories of exposure to paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. doi: 10.1080/10236244.2014.926619.
64. Lardies, MA., Arias, MB., Poupin, MJ., Manríquez, PH., Torres, R., Vargas, CA., Navarro, JM., Lagos, NA. 2014. Differential response to ocean acidification in physiological traits of Concholepas concholepas populations. Journal of Sea Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2014.03.010
65. Manríquez, PH., Jara, ME., Mardones, ML., Torres, R., Navarro, JM., Lardies, MA., Vargas, CA., Duarte, C., Lagos, NA. 2014. Ocean acidification affects predator avoidance behaviour but not prey detection in the early ontogeny of a keystone species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 502: 157-167.
66. Torres, R., Manriquez, PH., Duarte, C., Navarro JM., Lagos, NA., Vargas, CA., Lardies, MA. 2013. Evaluation of a semi-automatic system for long-term seawater carbonate chemistry manipulation. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 86: 443-451.
67. Duarte, C., Navarro, JM., Acuña, K., Torres, R., Manríquez, PH., Lardies, MA., Vargas, CA., Lagos, NA. and Aguilera, V. 2013. Combined effects of temperature and Ocean acidification on the juvenile individuals of the mussel Mytilus chilensis. Journal of Sea Research. (
68. Manríquez, PH., Jara, ME,., Mardones, ML., Navarro, JM, Torres R., Lardies, MA, Vargas, CA., Duarte, C., Widdicombe, S., Salisbury, J., Lagos, NA. 2013. Ocean acidification disrupts prey responses to predator cues but not net prey shell growth in Concholepas concholepas (loco). Plos One, 8: 1-10.
69. Vargas, CA., De La Hoz, M., Aguilera, V., San Martín, V., Manriquez, PH., Navarro, JM., Torres, R., Lardies., Lagos, NA. 2013. CO2-driven ocean acidification reduces larval feeding efficiency and change food selectivity in the mollusk Concholepas concholepas. Journal of Plankton Research. 1–10. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbt045
70. Aguilera, VM., Vargas, CA., Manríquez, PH., Navarro, JM., Duarte, C. 2013. Low-pH freshwater discharges drive spatial and temporal variations in life history traits of neritic copepod Acartia tonsa. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-013-9615-2.
71. Fernández-Reiriz, M.J., Navarro JM., Cisternas, BA., Babarro, JMF., Labarta, U. 2013. Enzymatic digestive activity and absorption efficiency in Tagelus dombeii upon Alexandrium catenella exposure. Helgoland Marine Research. 67:653–661
72. Navarro, JM., Torres, R., Acuña, K., Duarte, C., Manriquez, P., Lardies, MA., Lagos, N., Vargas, C., Aguilera, V. 2013. Impact of medium-term exposure to elevated pCO2 levels on the physiological energetics of the mussel Mytilus chilensis. Chemosphere. 90: 1242-1248.
73. Oyarzún, PA., Toro, JE., Navarro, JM. 2013. Comparison of the physiological energetic between Mytilus chilensis, Mytilus galloprovincialis and their hybrids, under laboratory conditions. Aquaculture Research. 1-12.
74. Acuña, K., Duarte, C., Jaramillo, E., Contreras, H., Manzano, M., Navarro, JM. 2012. Distribución vertical de la macroinfauna asociada a bivalvos en una planicie intermareal sedimentaria del sur de Chile. Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia. 47:383-393.
75. Ibarrola, I., Arambalza, U., Navarro, JM., Urrutia, MB., Navarro, E. 2012. Allometric relationships in feeding and digestión in the Chilean mytilids Mytilus chilensis, Choromytilus choros and Aulacomya ater: a comparative study. J. Exp. Marine Biology and Ecology. 426-427: 18-27.
76. Jedlicki, A., Fernández, G., Astorga, M., Oyarzún, P., Toro, JE., Navarro, JM. Martínez, V. 2012. Molecular detection and species identification of Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) causing harmful algal blooms along the Chilean coastline. AoB Plants. pls 033; doi:10.1093/aobpla/pls033.
77. Garrido, MV., Chaparro, OR., Thompson, RJ., Garrido, O., Navarro, JM. 2012. Particle sorting and formation and elimination of pseudofaeces in the bivalves Mulinia edulis (siphonate) and Mytilus chilensis (asiphonate). Marine Biology. 159: 987-1000.
- Publicaciones seleccionadas
- Simon A. Morley, Jorge M. Navarro, Alejandro Ortíz, Camille Détrée, Laura Gerisha, Claudio González-Wevar, Amanda E. Bates. 2022. Evolutionary constraints on physiology confound range shift predictions of two nacellid limpets. Science of the Total Environment. 806: 150943
- Navarro, J.M., Détrée, C., Morley, S.A., Cárdenas, L., Ortiz, A., Vargas-Chacoff, L., Paschke, K., Gallardo, P., Guillemin, M-L., Gonzalez-Wevar, C. 2020. Evaluating the effects of ocean warming and freshening on the physiological energetics and transcriptomic response of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna. Science of the Total Environment. 740: 142448
- Navarro, JM., Villanueva, P., Rocha, N., Torres, R., Chaparro, OR., Benitez, S., Andrade-Villagrán, PV., Alarcón, E. 2020. Plastic response of the oyster Ostrea chilensis to temperature and pCO2 within the present natural range of variability. PlosOne. 15(6): e0234994.
- Navarro, JM., Paschke, K., Ortiz, A., Vargas-Chacoff, L., Pardo, LM., Valdivia, N. 2019. The Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus under current temperatures and salinities and future scenarios of climate change. Progress in Oceanography. 174: 37-43. doi.10.1016/j.pocean.2018.09.001.
- Boyd PW, Collins S, Dupont S, Fabricuis K, Gattuso, JP, Havenhand J, Hutchins DA, Riebesell U, Rintoul MS, Vichi M, Biswas H, Ciotti A, Gao K, Gehlen M, Hurd CL, Kurihara H, Mcgraw CM, Navarro JM, Nilsson GE, Passow U, Pörtner HO. 2018. Experimental strategies to assess the biological ramifications of multiple drivers of global ocean change. Glob Change Biol (rewiev).
- Navarro, JM., Labraña, W., Chaparro, OR., Cisternas, B., Ortíz, A. 2016. Physiological constraints in juvenile Ostrea chilensis fed the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Estuaries and Coasts: DOI 10.1007/s12237-015-0061-1
- Navarro, J.M. & Widdows, J. (1997). Feeding physiology of Cerastoderma edule (L.) in response to a wide range of seston concentrations. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 152: 175-186.
- Navarro, J.M. & Thompson, R.J. (1997). Biodeposition by the horse mussel Modiolus modiolus (Dillwyn) during the spring diatom bloom. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 209: 1-13.
- Navarro, J.M. & Thompson, R.J. (1995). Seasonal fluctuations in the size spectra, biochemical composition and nutritive value of the seston available to a suspension-feeding bivalve in a subarctic environment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 125: 95-106
- Navarro, J.M. & Thompson, J.R. (1994). Comparison and evaluation of different techniques for measuring absorption efficiency in suspension feeders. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39:159-164.
- Navarro, J.M. (1988). The effects of salinity on the physiological ecology of Choromytilus chorus (Molina, 1782) (Bivalvia:Mytilidae). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol, Vol. 122: 19-33.
- Navarro, J.M. & Winter, J. (1982). Ingestion rate, assimilation efficiency and energy balance in Mytilus chilensis in relation to body size and different algal concentration. Mar. Biol., 67: 255-266.
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